Saturday, January 8, 2011

The World of Advertisement and the Convergence of Media

By Kathleen Gabaon

It’s been more than a decade since the Philippines first access the Internet. In this span of time we can see that the impact it brought was very influencing especially in the media industry. It allows easy access to information as well as its dissemination. Through its interactivity, it attracts advertisers to create a so-called Online Advertising. This kind of advertising involves promotion of products through Internet via World Wide Wed. Because Internet is global, it targets larger audience thus attracts more possible consumers. Online advertising are visible among social networking sites. Some other websites are created for online advertising which are only designed for a specific company.

Example of advertising websites im the Philippines are:, and

Traditional Advertising

Online Advertising

Online advertising has a wider scope compare to traditional broadcasting. As internet users continue to grow, cyber space becomes a good target market since it can reach larger number of audience compare to traditional media. The first boom of online advertising threatens traditional media. We all know that networks and other media institutions gain their profits through advertisements. Without these, media operations won’t be possible. But now, networks begin to create their official websites in order for them to maintain their presence and popularity in the field of New Media.

In this case, we can now apply the study of Sir Henry Jenkins about the convergence of traditional media and new media. The convergence of culture is about how television, radio, and print media are merged into one.

Henry Jenkin’s concept of Convergence Culture.

Example of traditional advertising merge their content with Online Advertising. (Sunsilk Commercial)

In this example Sarah Geromino endorsed Sunsilk and asks the audience to like their Fan Page.

We can see that online advertising works effectively to social networking sites such as facebook because the audience can create his/ her feedback about the product and discuss it among his or her co-consumers. *Since it is interactive, we can therefore easily assess if a product is worth it to buy by just looking directly at the comments of the users*

Some fan pages were created for products. It therefore adds to one’s interest if he or she “Likes” it thus assumes that he or she is consuming it. Aside from that, most advertisements appear most often in the facebook page itself. Example, I am a consumer of Girbaud products, after liking their facebook page and adding it to my favorite page, it will automatically added to my profile account and when someone visits my page, he will see that product listed in my page. It will also appear to their newsfeeds.

Online advertising creates interaction between media/product producers and consumers in this case, product consumption becomes more interactive. Online advertisements increase the rate of consumerism thus strengthening the power of Capitalist society.

By Kathleen Gabaon


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen. I would just like to comment on this point you mentioned in your blog: " The convergence of culture is about how television, radio, and print media are merged into one."

    When Jenkins mentions "convergence culture," I think he emphasized enough that it is more than the usual notion of being rooted to technological convergence. More so, he says that a new culture is formed due to these advancements -- participation culture -- wherein consumers are not anymore mere powerless beings. Consumers can now create content. And such content can also influence producers' decision-making. As such, Jenkins emphasizes that what the digital age has ushered in is in fact a move towards empowerment of consumers to produce content and for producers to be once again, consumers. It is in this cycle that a new culture of sharing is formed, with one common goal -- that which cybertheorist Pierre Levi calls a "collective intelligence" -- the pulling together of data and information via shared production and content that has revolutionized, in a manner of speaking, the gathering of relevant information, thus pushing our civilization to the height of intelligence.

    On another level, I laud your point regarding convergence and the furthering of capitalist power. As Jenkins mentions, in the formation of a participatory culture, one cannot ignore that always, there would be a group of users that will have more access to the power of the cyberworld. If we analyze cyberspace using Michel Foucault's theory of power relations, the basis for power in the internet is space. Those who have more access to space have more power. Thus large multinational companies still can exert power in the cyber arena, as they can produce more content, despite the new empowerment given to consumers to also produce content.

    Now, it is increasingly becoming clear that there is again an inherent power struggle in the cyberworld -- a struggle for dominance, a struggle on who will control content. And we are all warriors in this new cyberwar.

