Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The call of the not-so-wild

I am a Web Ostrich. Cue ostrich sound

Three words that described the kind of animal I am in the Web: fast-moving, sociable and specialized. Here's what I have to say.

Fast-moving. Even in real life, I make sure to it that I do all the tasks to be accomplished in a fast and efficient way since I believe that waste of time and effort is a big slash in discipline work methods. Whenever, I search for something online, I look for it and open a few tabs so that I don't keep clicking "back" and encounter loss of information problems.

Sociable. Indeed I use the web for interacting with people and getting messages across. One of the uses of social media that I find really significant is being able to disseminate information-- be it issues or promotional matters. Web sharing is the way to go for me!

Specialized. In some levels, I do focus on subject matter at a time when using the web but there are times when I just have to check Facebook, loading a Youtube video, refreshing Twitter updates while reading on Dr. Krotosky. I multi-task... A LOT. I think the times when I focus on only one thing on the web is when something really kicks me in the balls like a legit end-of-the-world article/video, Mindanao separating from the Philippines or... Taylor Swift dies.

1 comment:

  1. Here you go Margie. Not sure though if they really sound like this. :)

