Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stalk the Prey.. Leopard!

I am a Leopard. I think the web behavior test is slight accurate because there are aspects of the interpretation of my web behavior that are accurate and there were interpretations that I believe I do not posses.

1.   Fast moving-
It has become my habit to allot certain number of minutes or hours to accomplish a certain task; I got this training from my sorority and from my family. I think I apply it online when doing school works, holding meetings because this helps me be more conscious of making use of my time to productively. It’s funny because while doing this seatwork I gave myself total of 2 hours to accomplish it and so far I still have 1 hour and 30 minutes till my self-given deadline.

2.   Specialized-
It is also accurate that I am not good in multi-tasking. I easily get distracted so what I do is I try to focus on one task before starting another one. I noticed that whenever I try to do two or more tasks all at the same time, the result is one of the task is half-baked. That is why I allot time for each and focus on that task to make sure I don’t miss out details.

3. Solitary- 
This part is not accurate for me because I like getting my information from/with other people. For example I ask my friends what they know about a certain topic but of course I ask people who accurately knows something about that topic. I actually like doing research with a group, this way I feel like more thinking heads are involved. I like conversing online through YM, Facebook, and Twitter I don’t understand why the test result said that I don’t socialize online that much.The part wherein my choices of sources are the ones done traditionally or based on a book is accurate I like reading from hard copies or something I can touch or hold on to rather than reading it online.

I think what result of the test is saying that I still prefer traditional way of doing things. I still want the human factor in the things I do. Honestly, I like conversing more face to face with a person rather than having a medium like cell phone, laptop and the like. I prefer receiving letters in my Mailbox (the concrete mailbox outside my house or my small box at the condo lobby). 

-Jalyssa May Caccam

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