Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm an Ostrich?!

The website was a bit annoyiiiing. They always log me out then I need to enter with my password again. Is that a tactic? I was logged out maybe twenty times. It's the most highly secured web test I've ever taken that it was so annoying already. :) Anyway, I finished the test and I don't believe that I'm an Ostrich!
Here's what they say I am:
Fast-Moving: Huh? I always used to think I'm a slow surfer compared to other more web-inclined people. I feel I'm just a regular surfer on the web. Because before, it takes me hours to find good information I need, well, mmm.. Maybe I've already um, developed? Advanced?
Sociable: I don't think I'm a social person on the Web! I seldom look at other people's profiles or care to even know info about them, except if I need to. I'm neither much sociable in the real world too. I think I'm Solitary! This is the first test that says I'm Sociable! Really? Am I changing?
Specialised: But I always multitask online. When I go online at home, I automatically open three websites. Facebook, my Gmail, and my Ymail. Sometimes I even add Twitter and I usually juggle the four. But it's true that I prefer doing one thing at a time. And I'm best at doing one thing at a time.
These results are surprising! I think I'm the opposite of all the three descriptions. Hmm. Maybe it's telling me that I act differently online, compared to how I see myself act as a real person. Or, maybe at first I was the opposite of these descriptions and then I just didn't realize it and I've developed into THESE descriptions. But well, what's wrong if I'm Fast-moving or Sociable on the web. This is quite intriguing for me! I think I'll be observing my behavior online more.


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