Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leopard? Really?

Fast-moving - check. Solitary and specialised? NOT.
I'm probably one of the most "complicated" web users - opening as much tabs as I could; doing homework, researching, browsing random stuff and talking to people all at the same time. . It's  funny to note how the result says I'm prefer focusing on one thing rather than doing a lot all at once. On the contrary (and truthfully) I have mastered the art and skill of multi-tasking in my younger years and in the online world, I am able to practice this skill every single day. I like switching tabs from my Facebook account to my researches to IM windows, to Twitter, Tumblr, and what not. I find it very "fulfilling" whenever I get to finish my school work with all the stuff I'm doing online. However, I still try to lessen the "multi-tasking" habit since I know that it affects how fast and how focused I am when doing my work. The solitary trait may be partly true because I usually don't rely on random networks to give me information (that are academic). But other than that, I'm very, very, very active in all the social networks I'm part of - so active some people think I'm pretty much everywhere (which is either a compliment or not).

(And oh, the leopard looks kinda cute though.)

-Jara Lucero

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