Monday, March 28, 2011

Privacy: At Risk
Comm 150: Mash-up
Videos collected and compiled by Jara Lucero
(*Videos cited at the end)
Songs used:
1901 by Phoenix
Love Like A Sunset by Phoenix


  1. Great editing skils, Jara Lou! <3

    I agree that we need to be more aware of what we put online because our privacy can be easily violated. We need to be more informed on how to make our online accounts "stalk-free" .

  2. Good Job Jara! The editing was good.

    Yes! We must be more aware of what to put online. Putting too much information online decreases ones privacy :)

    -Kath Gabaon

  3. This video gave me the creeps. Seriously! Good job Jars! You really put the message across. That part when the Google CEO says, "We are watching you... We kind of know what you are thinking right now." made me realize 1000x that people are actually really watching. This should go viral and spread the word about privacy and Internet exploitation of our privacy.

  4. Is the concept of absolute privacy still existent? For some weird reason, I'm not worried with the decreasing concept of privacy. I dunno, but it's just the way it is, I think.

    After all, we live in public. *sabaw*.

    Great job, Jara! :))

  5. Natakot ako sa mashup na to. Haha.
    Same sentiments with Marji's vid, dapat ieducate din ang mga tao about online privacy. Pero once I actually tried to 'educate' a friend of mine about it. I said, alam mo ba na lahat ng nilalagay mo online are captured and saved and someday might be used against you, or might be used to track you down ans stuff? And he didn'ct actually care, sabi niya, ah ganun ba, okay. Kumareng Aleks was right though, people actually don't care what they give away, as long as they get to use the internet or fb for free. Mapanood nga sakanya to para matakot.


  6. Simula pa lang nung video, grabe na yung pagpapakita how our privacy (kung meron pa talaga) ay nalalagay sa alanganin through the information we share online. Like what I stressed once in class, more than educating the people kung paano nalalagay sa 'harm' ang kanilang privacy, they should be informed na kung ano mang ilagay nila, it's a risk that they are taking and they should be ready for whatever that risk might be. The web is designed for sharing and whatever 'privacy' it claims to offer, at the end of the day, responsibility pa rin ng user ang mga info na pinipili niyang i-share.

  7. Creating online versions of our selves sometimes inevitably leads to over-sharing. As much as we want to protect our privacy, every clicks we make leaves a trace which points to who we are in the 'real' world. But isn't virtual world a part of our 'real' world? Aren't our online persona a part of our 'real' selves. So the mere fact that we display our profiles online and making it available to almost everyone is already a step to opening up our personal life to the universe. Sometimes we don't realize that we are enticing others to commit a breach to our privacy.
    This video made me reflect on the things I share online and how their possible effects on me in the future. Thanks, Jara! :)
