Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Internet's Sewage System

Online forums and communities contain the most vile, disgusting and ridiculous content thinkable. The following link will lead you to Something Awful's Weekend Web. Something Awful is a fantastic gag site and their Weekend Web section is devoted to showing the worst of online forums and communities. If you lose hope in humanity after clicking this link, I am deeply sorry. Warning: the following content may not be work friendly. I also advise that you check the articles written by Hassan "Acetone" Mikal. They're way funnier.


1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I didn't know whether to laugh my arse off or hit my head on the table.

    The things you find...but you will definitely find them if you go looking for them. This is a rule I totally believe in.

    And on the internet, it's so much easier and faster. If only solutions to the world's problems were the same way.
