Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Internet and ME, MYSELF AND I!

There are so many concepts that struck me about the our discussion in class about the "web", the "Internet but what really got me.. umm should I say worried? is the effect of the evolving web to our generations, to MY generation. Some people they call this generation THE Me, Me, Me, I, I, I Generation. Number one proof of the self-absorption you can see them through the different social networking sites. People update their status all about themselves, what i ate for lunch, where am I hanging out now, what I'm feeling now.. blah, blah, blah! Looking at the bigger picture here.. I've realized (with the help of some people that  I converse with regarding these things and more)   that people they are so full of themselves that they fail to see the real reason why and what the Internet is for. It is for people to communicate easier but not to use it as a tool each other's reputations, It is for people to access information to the help the society evolve and explore more possibilities but not to lose capability to think creatively and limit ourselves.  Instead of using the net as a tool to extend ourselves to other people, to help them, to change and to evolve with technology we are getting stuck in the I concept not with what I can do for other people. I guess what I'm trying to say is we should rethink how are we utilizing what we have now such as the Internet and how we want to affect the bigger things out there aside from ourselves.

-Jalyssa May Caccam

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